Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovní zásoba z písně skupiny Rapture – You're Away
adverb - not together, separate
verb - to hit something repeatedly
noun - responsibility for something bad
verb - to make something less clear
noun - a white or grey thing that floats in the sky
verb - to crash into something
adjective - without light and brightness
determiner - every one
noun - somebody's responsibility for a problem, for a mistake etc.
noun - a sensation, an emotion, something that you feel
verb - to continue something, to move further ahead
noun - it has a thumb and four fingers, you have got two of them
noun - air that is difficult to see through because of heat or smoke
noun - the organ in your body that makes the blood circulate
verb - to wait; to continue doing something; not to give up
adverb - in harmony
noun - the act of looking (at somebody or something)
noun - movement
verb - to move your hand to touch something, to move your hand up in order to do something
verb - to keep in mind, not to forget
adjective - exactly like something else, not different
verb - to look for something carefully
verb - to appear, to appear to be
noun - a dark shape that is made by an object or person etc. when it blocks out light
verb - to have something in common, to use one thing together with somebody else
verb - to fall because your feet slide and you lose your balance
verb - to show a happy expression on your face
preposition - going in at one end and out at the other, e.g. tunnels, doors, passages etc.
noun - one of many parts of a sentence that carries a particular meaning
adverb - in spite of that
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