PET: Reading and Writing, sample 1, part 5

Vydáno dne 27.10.2006

Cvičný test cambridgeské zkoušky PET, test 1, část 5. Do textu o spánku doplníte jedenáct chybějících výrazů (z výběru).

PET: Reading and Writing, sample 1, part 5

Read the text and choose a suitable word to complete all the gaps.

Deep Sleep

Deep sleep is important for ________________________________ (1) .The actual ________________________________ (2) of sleep you need depends ________________________________ (3) your age.A young child ________________________________ (4) to sleep ten to twelve hours, and a teenager about nine hours.Adults differ a lot in their sleeping ________________________________ (5) .For most of them, seven to eight hours a night is ________________________________ (6) , but some sleep longer, while others manage with only four hours.

For a good night, having a comfortable ________________________________ (7) to sleep is very important. Also, there should be ________________________________ (8) of fresh air in the room.A warm drink sometimes helps people to sleep, ________________________________ (9) it is not a good idea to drink coffee immediately before going to bed.

________________________________ (10) you have to travel a very long distance, try to go to bed earlier than usual the day before the ________________________________ (11) . This will help you to feel more rested when you arrive.

    1. a) both
    2. b) each
    3. c) everyone
    4. d) someone
    1. a) amount
    2. b) number
    3. c) size
    4. d) sum
    1. a) in
    2. b) of
    3. c) on
    4. d) to
    1. a) could
    2. b) must
    3. c) ought
    4. d) should
    1. a) actions
    2. b) habits
    3. c) manners
    4. d) ways
    1. a) enough
    2. b) few
    3. c) less
    4. d) well
    1. a) part
    2. b) place
    3. c) point
    4. d) position
    1. a) many
    2. b) much
    3. c) plenty
    4. d) several
    1. a) although
    2. b) as
    3. c) because
    4. d) even
    1. a) After
    2. b) If
    3. c) Since
    4. d) Until
    1. a) call
    2. b) journey
    3. c) visit
    4. d) voyage
Správné odpovědi: 1) everyone , 2) amount , 3) on , 4) ought , 5) habits , 6) enough , 7) place , 8) plenty , 9) although , 10) If , 11) journey
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