Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovní zásoba z písně ‚Free and Clear‘
adjective - (about a machine, car etc.) not working
noun - a plant like a small low tree
adjective - free of unnecessary things, free of things causing problems
adjective - (of water) extremely clear
adjective - not alive
verb - to move towards something
verb - to see pictures in your head while you are sleeping
adjective - not wet or humid, having no water or humidity
adjective - having nothing inside, not full
adjective - able to do what you like, not bound, tied up, or imprisoned
verb - to say what you think will surely happen, to say what would happen before it really happens
noun - air that is difficult to see through because of heat or smoke
verb - to stop holding something
adjective - covered in wet earth, full of wet earth
noun - a kind of tropical tree which has large leaves at the top and no branches
noun - a place where, as some people believe, good people go after they die, where everything is perfect and everybody happy
noun - a very small area of water or another liquid
noun - an animal that looks like a large mouse, it has a long tail and sharp teeth
verb - to let something or somebody go (from prison etc.)
noun - a very simple, small house (usually built of wood)
preposition - going in at one end and out at the other, e.g. tunnels, doors, passages etc.
verb - (of a clock or watch) to make a short repeated sound
noun - a view of the future
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