Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
verb - to enter a house or a room
verb - to bring, to go and get
noun - an area near a house where people grow flowers or vegetables, and where they often relax
phrase - a greeting you use before 12 AM
pronoun - a pronoun representing a male person or animal
adverb - in this place
noun - a building in which people live, usually one family
verb - 3rd person singular of the verb BE
noun - The room where you cook and prepare meals. There is usually a cooker, a fridge, some cupboards, etc.
verb - to feel a strong affection for somebody
noun - a title used with a man's name
noun - a title used with a name of a married woman
interjection - a short word expressing refusal, rejection, negation, disagreement etc.
adverb - talking to someone by using a telephone
pronoun - a pronoun representing a female person or animal
verb - to have an opinion, to believe something
adverb - at / to which place
pronoun - what person, to which person
preposition - accompanied by; including
interjection - a word used to agree with somebody or confirm something, the opposite of 'no'
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