Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
The Postcard
adjective - very pretty
noun - a large town with many people
noun - a room in a school where the lessons take place, there are usually desks and chairs for students and the teacher, a blackboard, etc.
noun, informal - a child's word for a father
adjective - loved, important to somebody
adjective - connected with or coming from England
adjective - liked more than others
adjective - nice, good, excellent
preposition - to be meant to, to be given to
adjective - wonderful, excellent; very important
verb - to look at something
verb - to wish for something and expect that it will happen
adjective - of very high temperature, very warm
noun - a period in which a student studies a subject with a teacher, a part of a school day
noun - a message written on paper and sent to somebody in an envelope by mail
pronoun - the person who is speaking
noun, British English, informal - mother
adjective - pleasant, polite
adverb - at this moment, this time
adverb - travelling or relaxing somewhere during the period when you do not have to go to school or to work
noun - a number of things wrapped together and tied with a string, esp. for sending by post
noun - more than one person
noun - a card with a picture on one side that you send to your friends by mail when you are on a holiday
adverb - very, used to emphasize the degree of something, used to emphasize that something is true
noun - the surface specially made for cars and lorries etc. to travel on, it is usually black with white lines
adjective - foolish, not clever
adverb - therefore
noun - a road in a town with houses and buildings on both sides
interjection - the words you say to express gratitude
pronoun - those things, animals or people
adverb - on this day
adverb - also, as well
adverb - extremely, highly
pronoun - us, me and others
pronoun - a pronoun referring to the person we are talking to (singular) or the people we are talking to (plural)
determiner - belonging to you
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