Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
On the Radio
noun - a statement of how old you are or how old something is
noun - the anniversary of your birth that you celebrate every year
noun - a boy or a man who has the same parents as somebody
preposition - through
interjection - the word you say to somebody when you are leaving
noun - the person who is calling
noun - a person who chooses and plays music at a disco etc
determiner - coming before all others in time or order
noun - a person who you like and know well and who is not from your family
interjection - the word you tell somebody when you go away from him/her
determiner - belonging to her
determiner - belonging to him
determiner - belonging to it
noun - trousers made of a special cloth (denim), they are usually blue and come from Texas
interjection, informal - all right
determiner - belonging to us
noun - a photograph, a picture taken by a camera
noun - something that has been recorded
noun - a girl or woman who has the same parents as somebody
noun - a piece of music with words
determiner - belonging to them
adverb - in a good way, not badly
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