Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
A letter to a penfriend
noun - the room where people usually sleep
verb - to start
adjective - better than everybody or everything else
noun - a machine that can be used to do maths, type, draw, play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the internet etc.
noun - a group of people who are related to each other
adverb - temporarily, until a change comes
noun, informal - the mother of one of your parents
noun, informal - the father of one of your parents
noun - a small animal similar to a mouse but with a very short tail, it is often kept as a pet
adjective - not old, not used or seen by anyone before, made recently
conjunction - a conjuction that expresses alternative
noun - a friend who you write letters with but do not know him in person
noun - an animal kept at home for fun or company
noun - a photograph, a picture taken by a camera
noun - a place in the house with four walls, a door etc.
noun - the first autumn month
noun - a person who teaches in a school, works with children and helps them with learning
noun - 365 days
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