Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Mickey, Millie and Mut
noun - a living creature that moves and lives in water, on land etc.
noun - the meal which you have in the morning after you get up
determiner - coming before all others in time or order
adjective - able to do what you like, not bound, tied up, or imprisoned
adjective - right, acceptable; not bad
verb - to stop holding something
noun - it is on your face, you put food in it when you eat, there are teeth and a tongue in it
noun - a kind of small box or other container
noun - a small cassette player with a head set, it can be easily carried in your bag or pocket
noun - the system of playing sound by using two speakers
determiner - the ones here
noun - a place in a certain order, e.g. in a game with several participants playing one after the other
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