Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
I was ill last week
noun - the part of the day between lunch and dinner
adverb - in someone's home
adverb - physically inside the school
adjective - of higher quality etc.
noun - a health problem the symptoms of which are sore throat, cough, runny nose, temperature and headache
noun - the part of the day before you go to bed, it starts at about 6 pm
noun - an illness, you have a temperature, cough, sore throat, headache and your arms and legs hurt
noun - the parents of your mother or your father
noun - the pain in your head that you feel when you are ill or when you have been working too much
adjective - not feeling well, having an illness
noun - a sickness or disease
noun - a title used before a name of a lady who is not married
noun - the part of the day after you get up and/or before lunch
adverb - travelling or relaxing somewhere during the period when you do not have to go to school or to work
noun - a kind of discomfort that you feel in your throat when you have a flu or a cold
noun - the pain you feel in your belly when you have eaten something bad etc.
noun - hotness or coldness of a place, an object, or a person's body
noun - a pain in a tooth
adverb - a day ago
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