Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Record Breakers
noun - a large mass of land on the planet, usually surrounded by seas and oceans, e.g Europe, Asia etc.
noun - a bird that eats little animals, it can be trained by people to hunt with them
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 79) a yellow metal which is very valuable and which coins and jewels are often made of
adjective - far above the ground, not low
noun - a large animal that looks like a cat and can run very fast
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 26) a hard strong metal used in industry, steel is made from it
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 82) a very heavy soft metal
noun - a piece of paper with a drawing of the surface of a country or a region, showing where the towns and rivers and lakes etc. are
noun - a measure of length, a hundred centimetres
noun - a very large bird from Africa, it has got a long neck and legs and can run very fast and cannot fly
noun - an area or position
noun - a competition or game in which the participants must answer questions
noun - the person or thing that is the best, tallest, highest, biggest, fastest etc.
noun - a large stream of water that is flowing across the land into the sea
noun - a large sea fish with big sharp teeth, it is usually dangerous
noun - a very large sea animal that looks like a very large fish
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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