Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
noun - a person who is of age, not a child or a teenager
adjective - the middle value, usual, ordinary
noun - the upper part of the room, the light usually hangs on it
adjective - ordinary, usual
verb - to stay on top of water, to stay in the air
verb - to become old
verb - to become mature or adult
noun - one of two equal parts of something
noun - a small animal similar to a mouse but with a very short tail, it is often kept as a pet
noun - all the people who live in one home
verb - to watch something (or somebody) and keep it from being stolen or harmed
adverb - usually
adverb - at the present time, not in the past
noun - a place where old people go when nobody can take care of them
verb - to have, to have something that is yours and nobody else's
noun - an animal kept at home for fun or company
verb - to move quickly from side to side or up and down
noun - a family where one of the parents does not live together with them
noun - how fast something is
verb - to go bad; to ruin something
noun - the family that is formed when someone marries someone who already has children
adverb - up to now, since then, not having stopped
verb - not to hurry with something
adverb - in the direction where a river or stream comes from
adverb - regularly, normally
verb - to open the mouth widely and breathe in deeply, esp. when you are sleepy
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