Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Your future
noun - a creature from a different planet
verb - to come into sight, to be seen suddenly
noun - a person who works in a hospital etc, and helps people who have a problem with their health
noun - the images or pictures you have in your head when you sleep
noun - a place with buildings, fields, pastures where plants are grown and animals bred
noun - the time that will come, the things that will happen to us
adjective - handsome, pretty
noun - a place where people go when they are very ill or when they are injured
noun - the fourth planet of the solar system
noun - a person who shares in the same activity as somebody else
adverb - maybe, possibly
noun - a large body in space orbiting a sun
adverb - used to say that something is likely to happen, it is almost sure to happen
noun - the best that has ever been done
noun - the immensely huge place where there are stars, planets etc.
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