Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
London's burning
noun - a person whose job is to make bread and rolls and cakes, etc.
noun - a place where bread etc. is baked; a shop where you can buy bread, rolls etc.
verb - (of air) to move
noun - a rectangular object (usually light red or brown) that houses are often built of
verb - to make something, e.g. a house or any kind of structure
verb - to be on fire
noun - a small vehicle that is pulled or pushed by a person or an animal
verb - to start burning
adjective - not straight
verb - to damage something badly, usually in a way that it cannot function any more or can be used no longer
adjective - covered in dirt, not clean
adjective - not wet or humid, having no water or humidity
verb - to get away from somewhere, to get free from something/somebody
verb - to start sleeping
noun - a large oval piece of something, esp. bread
adjective - not wide
noun - a kitchen appliance in which you can bake or roast etc.
noun - an animal that looks like a large mouse, it has a long tail and sharp teeth
noun, British English - things that are no longer needed and which you usually throw away, e.g. bits of food, old paper, tins etc.
adjective - not dangerous, not possible to be hurt
verb - to become or make bigger, wider, longer etc.
noun - a hard mineral
adjective - not curled or bent or curved
adjective - covered or soaked in water
adjective - broad, large from side to side; not narrow
noun - a material that is made from tree trunks, it is used for making furniture or for burning in a fire
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