Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
School rules
noun - a gathering of people
noun - a science that studies living things, e.g. people, animals, plants etc.
noun - a short period between lessons or at work, when you can rest
noun - a long hall with doors on the sides
verb - to press or crush with your teeth
noun - a soft sweet thing that you put into your mouth and chew it
noun - a kind of small box or other container
noun - an area outside where children can play
adjective - calm, peaceful, not noisy
noun - a law or order that tells people what they should or have to do
noun - a kind of liquid soap that you use for washing your hair
verb - to breathe in the gas from a cigarette, cigar etc.
noun, British English - a sports shoe
noun - the clothes of soldiers, policemen, etc. that are the same for all of them
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