Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
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verb - to have the same opinion as sb/sth
noun - the food you can eat when you are ill or trying to lose weight
adverb - before the usual time, opposite of 'late'
verb - to say what something means and how it works etc.
verb - to wake up and leave the bed in the morning
verb - not to stay at home
verb - to have the obligation to do something; must
verb - not to notice something, to pretend you cannot see something
adverb - not in time
noun - a substance or pill etc, that is used when people are ill to make them better
verb - to have to, to have an obligation to
adjective - anxious, worried or afraid of something
verb - to make somebody believe something, esp. that they should do something
adjective - foolish, not clever
verb - to remain in a place, not to leave
verb - to believe in somebody's honesty, sincerity etc; to rely on somebody or something that they say
verb - to be anxious, to fear that something bad might happen
noun - a person who is in a very bad condition
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