Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Reading, p. 17
noun - a way of pronunciation typical for a particular group of people
verb - to surprise someone very much
adjective - very surprising
noun - the origin of something; the type of family or class that you come from
noun - the way that you act
verb - to say that something is the fault of somebody, that somebody is guilty of something
noun - a person who is a legal member of a country
noun - the act of building something
noun - trying hard, using strength
verb - to choose a candidate by voting for him/her
adverb - completely, to the full extent
noun, informal - a person
verb - to produce a shape, to take shape, to create or make
noun - a general statement based on only a few examples
noun - a person in a film, book etc.
noun - the quality of somebody or something
noun - the lack of skill or power to do something
verb - to want to say something, to believe that what you say is the truth
noun - a person's qualities or character
noun - a person who lives next door to you
verb - to watch something carefully
noun - a group of people or animals that have the same shape, size, color etc.
verb - to think of something in a particular way
verb - to stay or be left behind
adjective - not polite; behaving in an offending way
noun - the number that you get when you add two or more numbers together; a total
adjective - talking very much and often; liking to talk
adjective - not wanted by people
adjective - foolish; not advisable, not sensible
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