Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grammar, pages 18–19
adverb - in/to a foreign country
adjective - making you angry
noun - the making of beautiful things, such as paintings, sculptures, music etc.
verb - to go somewhere (e.g. a school, course etc.) regularly
verb - to be a part of something, to have a place somewhere
noun - a man and a woman
verb - to get money from working
noun - knowledge or skill that you get from what you have gone through and from practice
noun - a number
noun - a person who is special for some people, esp. one who has achieved something great or one that is brave and strong
verb - to make better
adjective - liking to do something very much
verb - to move at the same speed with somebody
noun - somebody who looks like a famous person
noun - a sick person who is in hospital or treated by a doctor etc.
noun - the different aspects of a person's character that makes him/her different from other people
verb - to make somebody happy
verb - to like something better than something else
verb - to know again something or somebody you've met or known before
verb - to appear, to appear to be
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