Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Listening; Crime and Punishment, pages 24–25
adjective - extra
noun, British English, informal - advertisement
verb - to help, to assist
verb - (of police) to take somebody prisoner in order to ask them about a crime
noun - a person who comes into somebody's house in order to steal things from it
noun - the illegal act of coming into somebody's house in order to steal things from it
verb - to do an illegal act
noun - a punishment that involves work for people and the community
noun - a person who has done a serious illegal thing
noun - a punishment of death for a crime
adjective - making it possible for you to tell the difference between two things
adjective - wrong, incorrect or not true, not real
noun - a part of a face which is easily recognizable
noun - an amount of money that is paid as a punishment
noun - the illegal act of cheating a person in order to get money
verb - to know and/or say who somebody is
noun - a situation at a police station etc. in which a witness tries to identify a criminal in a line of different people
adjective - not legal, against the law
adjective - not guilty, not having done anything bad or wrong
noun - a person who decides about a criminal's punishment and other questions concerning law and justice
noun - a group of people (chosen from the public) in a court who help to decide whether a person is guilty of a crime or not
noun - the illegal act of taking away a person and demanding money for his/her return
noun - the crime of killing a person (by accident, not intentionally)
noun - a spot made somewhere as a sign of something
verb - to find the size, length, weight, etc. of something
noun - a person who attacks somebody and steals his money and valuables
noun - an act of attacking somebody and stealing his money and belongings
noun - an act of killing somebody deliberately
noun - a piece of written text that is supposed to give information or warn about something
noun - an action which is against the law, a crime
adjective - not having any money
adjective - connected with the body
noun - a mark you can see when you press something onto something else
noun - a place where criminals are locked up
noun - something that makes you suffer because you have done something bad or wrong
noun - the money paid to let a kidnapped person go free
noun - the ability to idetify something or an act of identifying something
verb - to put something in place of something else
noun - something that you get because of something good you have done
noun - the act of stealing money from a place (e.g. a bank) or from a person
noun - a punishment given to a criminal by the court
noun - the act of driving faster than is allowed
verb - to take something that is not yours
noun - a person who is thought to have committed a crime
noun - the act of stealing, the crime that involves stealing
noun - a person who steals something
noun - a person who has seen a crime etc. and can tell the police about what happened
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