Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Let's practise 2, pages 26–27
verb - to make a change in something; to make something different without changing it completely
adjective - being socially and culturally developed
verb - to ask for something firmly
adjective - obeying rules and commands
noun - an important part of something
noun - a part of a face which is easily recognizable
adjective - having done something bad or illegal
noun - a new machine, design etc. that nobody has come up with before
noun - the way of doing something; the sequence of steps you take to do something
verb - to look like somebody or something; to be like somebody or something
adjective - friendly, enjoying spending time with other people
noun - the people who live in a country etc. who have the same customs, laws, traditions etc.
adjective - large, of considerable size, quality etc.
noun - a legal process where statements are made, objects are shown etc. in order to decide if a person is guilty or not
noun - a decision made by a group of people, esp. one saying whether a suspect is guilty or innocent
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