Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary, pages 30–31
adjective - exact, completely correct
verb - to put something together with something else
noun - a forefather, a person in the family who lived a very long time before
adjective - the middle value, usual, ordinary
verb - to act
verb - to continue, to go on
verb - to accept something unpleasant
noun - a kind of person who does not like working very much and prefers lying on the sofa, watching TV etc.
adjective - very bad; very harmful
adverb - loyally, in a faithful way
noun - a person who gets food by collecting fruits, vegetables etc.
adverb - fairly, without lies
noun - a person who chases and kills an animal, usually for food or sport
verb - to think about what happened
verb - to control or direct something
verb - to stay or be in a place for a period of time
adjective - fat, heavier than is normal or healthy
verb - to supply, to give
verb - to take away from something; to take off; to get rid of
verb - to make something happen; to produce something as an effect
verb - to become smaller (usually as an effect of heat, cold, water etc.)
adverb - not much, just a little
verb - to rise rapidly
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
verb - to hold something from below so that it doesn't fall or collapse, to be able to hold the weight of something
verb - to take something as your own
adverb - really, in truth
adverb - without question, without doubt
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