Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grammar, pages 32–33
verb - to send radio or TV waves through the air
noun - a number of things fastened or tied together
noun - a situation in which the ground starts shaking, it usually causes great damage to houses, roads etc.
adverb - in the end, finally
verb - to fall in love with someone
verb - to realize that you are somewhere where you didn't intend to be
adjective - covered with fur
verb - to run after something or somebody
verb - to do something purposefully, not to forget to do something
verb - to lift something up, to make something higher
noun - the time when actors, musicians etc. practise together for a performance
verb - to set free; to send something out
noun - a film or a book that continues the story of another film or book, (e.g. Jaws III, Terminator II, The Lost World (Jurassic Park II) etc.)
verb - to make a photograph or film
noun - a large building with many shops inside
verb - to become smaller (usually as an effect of heat, cold, water etc.)
verb - to become or make bigger, wider, longer etc.
verb - to start suddenly; to grow suddenly
verb - to make something change into something else
noun - a covering that you can wear on your head, it is made of real or false hair
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