Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Let's Practise 1, pages 34–35
adjective - willing to do unusual, dangerous and exciting things
verb - to surprise someone very much
noun - a serious request, esp. a public request for help, money etc.
noun - a person who studies ancient things buried in the ground
noun - the people who watch a performance
noun - the place in a cinema or theatre where you can buy the tickets
verb - to make somebody remember something
noun - a long narrow stage for models at fashion shows
noun - a choice you make after having thought about the options
noun - the act of destroying something
noun - the act of making something better, bigger, more active, more complex etc.
verb - to make a film, to control the making of a film
adjective - expected to happen
adjective - owing, expected to be paid
verb - to make somebody amused
verb - to go through something
noun - something that is not real and only exists thanks to your imagination
noun - the moment when you see something or someone for the first time
noun - a building that can protect people in an attack
verb - to return home (from work etc.)
noun - a statement of how tall or high something is
adjective - happening at once, happening immediately
noun - a new machine, design etc. that nobody has come up with before
noun - a prison, a building where criminals are kept
verb - (of a plane) to come from the air to the ground
verb - to think about what happened
noun - all the things as they actually are, not as they are imagined
noun - that what is left when something has been destroyed, taken away or used
verb - to telephone somebody who telephoned you
verb - to hurry; to do something too quickly
verb - to be the main actor or actress in a film or play
verb - to return something to the place where it has been taken from
verb - to go back by the same route
adjective - worth a lot of money
noun - a large number of things of a similar kind
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