Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary, pages 42–43
noun - a thing that you buy at a lower price than usual
verb - to say that you have the right to have or own something
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
verb - to find or see something that nobody has seen or even known of before you
noun - a serious illness
verb - to get away from somewhere, to get free from something/somebody
adjective - attracting the eye
verb, American English - to be unsuccessful in something
noun - a noticeable part of something
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
verb - to set up, to start the building of
verb - to get or win something
adjective - brave, full of courage
adjective - making one feel admiration or respect
verb - to put down, to place something down carefully
verb - not to tell the truth
verb - to have your body in a flat position, like when you are resting or sleeping
adjective - different from others, new
verb - to lift something up, to make something higher
noun - the general opinion people have about something
verb - to get up, to get upright
adjective - able to do something well
noun - a situation in poor countries in which people don't have enough food and die of hunger
adjective - staying alive
noun - a success in winning in something
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