Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Reading, pages 42–43
noun - a forefather, a person in the family who lived a very long time before
noun - a small glass ball that is usually put on a string and used for decoration
noun - a dividing line between two countries
noun - a part of a large city
noun - a country or an area controlled by another country
noun - the things that are grown in a field etc. when they are harvested
noun - a person related to someone who lived before them, e.g. a child, grandchild etc.
adjective - whole, complete, including everything
noun - a person who is in charge of a region or a state
verb - to produce plants, e.g. vegetables; to take care of plants in order that they can get bigger
noun - a unit of money in the Netherlands (before Euro)
verb - to chase and kill an animal, usually for food or sport
noun - a person or animal that lives in a particular place
noun - things made of iron
noun - a place where trees with fruit are grown
noun - a part of a whole, esp. expressed in %
verb - to put a plant or a seed in the ground so that it can grow
verb - to flow
noun - things that are produced on a farm
noun, American English - property in the form of land or buildings
noun - a person who lives somewhere
noun - a person that is competing with you in one particular field or area
noun - a large bag used to carry things
noun - the act of selling things
noun - a person who comes to live to a place where nobody or not many people lived before
noun - the shape that buildings make against the sky
noun - a very tall building with many floors (usually more than 40 or 50), usually built in large cities
noun - a hard strong metal made from iron mixed with carbon, it is used for making knives etc.
noun - the activity of fighting a war; the methods of fighting, esp. using various types of weapons
adjective - having a value
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