Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grammar, pages 44–45
noun - a plan or preparation to do something
noun - concentrating on something
adjective - able to be obtained or reached
verb - to give a prize to someone, to give sth as a payment or reward
noun - a small thing that is pressed in order to operate a machine etc.
noun - the succession of jobs you have
noun - the state of being sure about something
verb - to ask someone for advice or information
noun - the things that are included in something
noun - a choice you make after having thought about the options
noun - the act of making decisions
noun - strong will to do something
adjective - having been decided, having made up your mind about something
noun - a kind thing that somebody does for you
noun - the particular style of a set of printed letters (esp. in computers)
noun - something you have planned to do
adjective - very new
noun - a small sheet of paper that gives certain information
adjective - expected, probable, almost certain
noun - a statement that asks you if you would like to have something
verb - to give energy to something (a machine) to make it work
noun - a statement that says what will happen in the future
noun - the word that you will do something, one which people can rely on
adverb - in the correct, suitable or appropriate way
noun - a polite question, the act of asking a question
noun - a medical operation on the body involving cutting open the skin etc.
noun - money paid for teaching, esp. a small group of students
adjective - not likely
noun - the state of not wanting to do something that is asked of you
preposition - using something
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