Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Let's Practise 2, pages 52–53
verb - to say that something is true
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
adjective - being of a higher age
verb - to put something into the envelope with a letter, e.g. a photo, a document etc.
verb - to examine something new carefully
noun - a kind of difficulty that makes you lose your comfort etc.
verb - to give information to somebody
adjective - first, true at the beginning
noun - a dark blue liquid that is used for writing with (esp. inside a pen)
noun - a piece of paper that you get when you buy something, it shows how much you have paid for it
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
adverb - very badly or seriously; in a way that brings much pain or difficulties
verb - to put away for being used later
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
noun - one of a series of books
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