Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Work experience
noun - a person who goes to a shop to buy things
noun - a large building where things are produced
noun - a place where you go to work out and train your body
adverb, formal - but, although
noun - a school lesson, esp. the time when a lesson takes place
noun - a machine that can make copies of printed materials
verb - to like something better than something else
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
verb - to put food on the table, to give food to somebody
noun - a wooden board fastened to the wall, you can put books, decorative objects, etc. on it
noun - a piece of equipment which produces a spray of water to wash your body, it can also be a small room or a part of a room where you wash
preposition - until, up to the time
adjective - not common or ordinary
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