Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
noun, British English, informal - advertisement
noun - an activity by which you try to persuade people to buy a product
noun - a person who gives advice
noun - the things that a person would like to achieve in his life
noun - a person who travels into space
noun - a metal object shaped like a cup, which makes a ringing sound
noun - the succession of jobs you have
noun - a person whose job is to make drawings or plans showing how sth will be made
adjective - making you feel intensive pleasure
noun - the style of clothing that is popular at the time
noun - a very large room
noun - an act of asking somebody to come to a place with you (a party, a restaurant etc.)
noun, American English - a story you can see in the cinema or on video or DVD
adjective - reasonable, practical
noun - a cloth that is produced in a factory
noun - a doctor who treats animals
noun - the act of using too much of something or of using something in a wrong way
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