Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Job application; Working with words
noun - a building from which you can take a plane
noun - a formal written request
verb - to make a formal request for something; to make a formal request for a job etc.
noun - a person who designs buildings, houses etc.
adjective - not holding your attention, not interesting
noun - a person whose job is to build houses and buildings
noun - a person whose job is to clean floors etc.
noun - a person who drives a car etc. or whose job is to drive
noun - a person who works with electricity
noun - a person whose job is to grow vegetables and grains, work in the field etc.
noun - a steward or stewardess on a plane
adverb - often
noun - a person who works in a garden
noun - a person whose job is to cook or direct the work of other cooks
noun, British English - a large car that carries loads rather than passengers
noun - the person who has control over a business etc.
noun - a person whose job is to fly an airplane etc.
verb - to make something that has been broken work again; to mend, to fix
noun - a person whose job it is to give information about things that have happened
noun - a lady (or a man) who works in a company and assists her (or his) boss, types letters, answers phone calls etc.
noun - your name that you have written on a document etc. to show that you have written it or agree with it
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