Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
phrase - anno Domini (as opposed to BC - before Christ)
adjective - sad, unhappy or depressed
noun - an animal that eats meat of other animals
verb - to move up or down a steep place using your hands and feet
verb - to become real
verb - to depend on, to take something for sure
adjective - about everybody or everything
noun - the thing that you are trying to achieve
verb - to say what you think will surely happen, to say what would happen before it really happens
noun - the things that you know
noun - the greatest or smallest amount possible
noun - a person who introduces a programme on TV or in the radio
noun - something valuable that is given to somebody who has won in a competition etc.
noun - the arch of different colours that sometimes forms in the sky after it has rained
verb - to move your hand to touch something, to move your hand up in order to do something
noun - an amusing performance, TV programme etc.
verb - to be in something together with other people
noun - an event that you didn't expect, esp. one that makes you happy (or unhappy)
noun, British English, informal - a box with a glass screen where we can watch films, series and other programmes
noun - the clothes you wear over the upper part of your body
adjective - having the usual signs or qualities of other things or people of the same kind
noun - a mountain with a crater that can explode and throw burning rocks into the air, emit hot lava etc.
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