Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Electric Woman
verb - to make something curved
adjective - empty, with no writing on it, not filled in
verb - to start burning
noun - a machine in a house etc. that uses electricity (a fridge, TV etc.)
noun - an instrument that you hold in the hand and you use its hot flat bottom to make clothes flat and smooth after you have washed them
verb - to move into the air by pushing yourself off the ground with your feet
noun - a pot with a lid and handle, it is used for heating water for a tea or coffee etc.
noun - the glass part of a lamp etc. that gives out light
noun - a way of winning money by chance, you need to buy a ticket and be lucky
noun - a TV or radio programme in which the viewers or listeners can participate by phone
noun - a metal tower which supports electricity wires
noun - a piece of equipment that can receive TV or radio broadcasts
verb - to keep something for a future use
noun - a machine that can play films on a cassette or record them from TV on a cassette
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