Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Extensive reading; Working with Words
verb - to disagree with somebody and talk about it
verb - to be careful, to look out
noun - a kind of fire that people sit around, talk, sing songs etc.
noun, formal - a warning about a possible danger
adjective - getting angry unnecessarily, giving too much attention to details
verb - to end a phone call
noun - a danger
verb, informal - to jump on something
verb - to move the top of your body forwards out of the window etc.
verb - to say something angrily in a way that it can be heard but not understood easily
noun - the meaning of something that you say or write
verb - to leave a thing that you have been holding on a table, on the floor etc.
noun - a danger, a possibility that you will lose something
adjective - easy to slip on, very smooth
adjective - surprised by something scary or frightening
verb - to get rid of something that you do not want or need anymore
noun - the force of electricity (measured in volts)
adjective - telling you about a danger
noun - something you wish for; a desire to have something or do something
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