Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
The Teenage Years; Arrangements
verb - to take or receive sth
noun - the stage between childhood and adulthood
noun - the time in a person's life when he is an adult
noun - a formal arrangement to see a person at a specified time and place
verb - to say that something is true or right
noun - a dentist's office
noun - a chemical used as medicine
noun - the period of your life when you are a child
adjective - changing moods very often
adjective - not respecting authority
verb - not to accept something, not to do what somebody wants you to do
noun - the time when actors, musicians etc. practise together for a performance
adjective - dirty and untidy
verb - to say what you think should be done
adjective - bad-tempered; not wanting to talk to people
noun - a problem or difficulty
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