Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Extensive reading; Working with words
noun - the seat at the back of a car etc.
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
verb - to close and open your eyes quickly
verb - to stop being boyfriend and girlfriend, to break such a relationship
noun - a tin, usually one where drinks are stored (e.g. coke or beer)
verb, British English - to get something or somebody from a particular place
verb - to stop being friendly; to start to argue or fight
verb - to start being boyfriend and girlfriend again after a breakup
verb - to deal with a difficult situation successfully
interjection - the words you say when you are having a toast with somebody
verb - to start being friendly again, esp. after an argument
verb - to compensate; to do something good to put things right
verb - to produce a loud, high and very unpleasant sound
verb - to leave a place very quickly as if fired out of a gun
verb - to reduce speed
verb - to stop being boyfriend and girlfriend / husband and wife etc., to break such a relationship
verb - to make a high loud noise as if in pain or fear
verb - to roll something over; to put something upside down
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