Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
The Red Planet
noun - very small organisms that you can only see through a microscope
noun - one of the hard parts inside your body
verb - to come somewhere with something or with somebody, to take something or somebody with you
verb - to send radio or TV waves through the air
noun - a bright thing in the sky that has a light head and a long tail
noun - a part of a living organism or the shape of its body preserved in rock for a very long time
noun - a natural force that attracts things
noun - a person or country who attacks a country and takes control of it by force
noun - a piece of rock from space that has fallen onto the Earth
verb - to move something towards you; to draw something along behind you
noun - a kind of spacecraft with no people in it that is sent through space to gather information and send it back to earth
noun - a vehicle used for travelling between planets or stars, it usually appears in sci-fi
noun - all the stars, planets, galaxies etc.
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