Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Extensive reading; Working with words
verb - to pass, to disappear gradually (esp. of a storm etc.)
noun - the place on the border, on the airport etc. where your baggage is checked to make sure you are not carrying any illegal things
noun - a small book in which you write about your experiences every day
verb - to enter a car, taxi etc.
verb - to leave a bus, train, plane etc.
verb - to enter a bus, train, plane etc.
verb - to leave a house, car etc.
noun - a tall wooden or metal pole (e.g. for a flag, on a ship)
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
noun - a large piece of cloth that moves a ship when there is wind
verb - to put a piece of wax or another material over something which cannot be opened without breaking this material
noun - a piece of wax or another material that is put over something that cannot be opened without breaking this
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