Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Meeting people, pages 12–13
noun - the place where you live, expressed exactly so that people can find you
adjective - connected with or coming from the USA
noun - an area that has its own government
noun - a person who works in a hospital etc, and helps people who have a problem with their health
adjective - connected with or coming from England
noun - the name that your friends or family use when they call you
adjective - connected with or coming from France
noun - the things that you do for a living
noun - a person who writes articles for a newspaper or a magazine
adjective - having a husband or wife
noun - a person who goes to school regularly in order to prepare for a future job
noun - the name you have in common with other members of the family, a family name
noun - a person who teaches in a school, works with children and helps them with learning
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