Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Snakes, lizards, frogs, amphibians and other creatures
noun - a large reptile similar to a crocodile, originally from the Americas and China, it has a shorter and broader head than a crocodile
noun - a large snake that can kill an animal by squeezing it powerfully
noun - a poisonous snake from Africa or Southeast Asia, it can spread the skin at the back of its neck
noun - a big green or brown reptile with a big mouth with sharp teeth, a long tail, it lives in rivers and lakes, it looks like an alligator
noun - a large reptilian creature that lived on the planet millions of years ago
noun - a small green or brown animal that lives in water or near water
noun - a small reptile that changes the colour of its skin, it has got a long tongue
noun - a large American lizard, it is grayish green
noun - a small reptile with a long tail
noun - a kind of snake that makes a noise with its tail
noun - a small creature with a soft body that lives both in water and on land, it looks like a lizard
noun - a reptile with a long body and no legs
noun - a large kind of frog
noun - an animal with short legs, a hard shell on its back and a head that can hide in the shell, it usually lives on land
noun - an animal that usually lives in water, has a large hard shell on its back and short legs
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