Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words connected with taking pictures
noun - a book of photos
adjective - (of films, photographs etc.) not in color
noun - a small device used for taking pictures or videos
adjective - a person who doesn't like having their photograph taken
noun - a photo of a detail taken from a very short distance
noun - a sudden sharp light that quickly disappears again, e.g. on a camera, of lightning etc.
noun - a border of something (e.g. a picture, painting) made of wood, metal, etc.
noun - a round piece of glass with curved sides which is used in telescopes, microscopes, binoculars, or glasses
noun - a person whose job is to show clothes at fashion shows, to pose for photographers and cameras etc.
noun - a piece of film that is used to make photographs from, the colours are inverted in it
noun - a photograph, a picture taken by a camera
adjective - looking nice in photographs
noun - a person whose job is to take photos
noun - the skill, process or art of taking photos
verb - to stay in a particular position because your picture is being taken etc.
verb - to make a photograph or film
noun, informal - a photograph
noun - a room where an artist, such as a painter or sculptor, works
noun - a three-legged support for a camera or other equipment
noun - the act or ability to make a picture larger
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