Halloween Trivia
Vydáno dne 29.10.2006
Víte kdy a jak se slaví Halloween? Otestujte si své znalosti!
Halloween Trivia
Choose the best answer to the following 10 questions:
Halloween is celebrated on ________.
- 1st November
- 30th November
- 30th October
- 31st October
Halloween was originally a ________ celebration.
- Anglo-Saxon
- Celtic
- Egyptian
- Roman
A typical Halloween vegetable is a ________.
- carrot
- pumpkin
- tomato
- watermelon
A typical Halloween symbol is a ________.
- Jack O'Lantern
- Newton O'Hara
- Shaquille O'Neil
- Sinead O'Connor
What do children say when they knock on the door?
- hit-or-miss
- Ho, ho, ho
- life-or-death
- trick-or-treat
What do children collect at their neighbors' houses?
- apples
- candy
- eggs
- souls
Which doesn't belong here?
- a bunny
- a ghost
- a vampire
- a witch
In ________ communities people celebrate Halloween together with The Day of
the Dead.
- Chinese
- Irish
- Japanese
- Mexican
A typical Halloween party game is ________.
- bobbing for apples
- curling
- egg hunt
- hide-and-seek
Halloween came to America in the ________.
- 13th century
- 15th century
- 17th century
- 19th century
Správné odpovědi:
1) d,
2) b,
3) b,
4) a,
5) d,
6) b,
7) a,
8) d,
9) a,
10) d
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