Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Home on a plane, pages 40–41
noun - a system that keeps the air in a building, train, plane etc. clean and cool
noun - the room where you can wash, have a bath or a shower, there is sometimes a toilet, too
noun - the room where people usually sleep
noun - the place at the front of a plane from which the pilot controls the plane
verb - to have the price of
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
noun - a thing made of wood or glass etc, which you open in order to get in or out of a building, car etc.
noun - the lower floor of a house
noun - a door out of a place that is used in case of a fire, etc.
noun - the more expensive and comfortable class in a train
noun - a steward or stewardess on a plane
noun - a kind of aircraft with a jet engine
noun - very expensive and comfortable things that people do not really need but can enjoy them
noun - a means of transport that flies through the air and carries many passengers, it has two wings
verb - to put food on the table, to give food to somebody
noun - a board or a flat piece of metal with something written on it, usually giving people information, warning etc.
noun - small stairs that people can use to climb up to a place
noun - a large flushable bowl with a seat on it that you can use to get rid of the waste material in your body, a small room with such a bowl in it
noun - the upper floor of a house
noun - a flat piece of glass in a wooden or plastic frame in a wall, it usually opens, and you can look through it
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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