Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně skupiny The Clintons ‚Sex on the Radio‘
determiner - one more
noun - a large town with many people
verb - to say that you are not happy or satisfied with a product or a service
verb - to see pictures in your head while you are sleeping
verb - a slang word for 'going to'
verb - to have something in your hand
verb - to move or do something quickly because you do not have much time
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
verb, informal - to have sex (usually in the structure GET + past participle)
noun - a tune, the succession of musical notes that make up a song
noun - a very large area of water, much bigger than a sea
adjective - useful, having good results
verb - to move something downward by turning it over
adverb, American English - somewhere
verb - to give an impression
verb - to remain in a place, not to leave
verb - to fall (or start to fall) because you have stepped on something or hit your foot against something when walking or running
verb - to make a very serious promise
verb - not to hurry with something
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
verb - to become blue
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