Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z pohádky ‚O Perníčkovi‘
noun - a small drop of a thick liquid (such as paint, glue etc.)
noun - the air that you take inside your body
verb - to make a hole in the ground using a spade, a pickaxe etc.
noun - a long channel built along a road etc. to drain water from the road
noun - a mixture of flour, water, egg etc. that is used for baking
adjective - very weak; without energy or strength
noun - a wooden or metal or wire barrier that runs around a garden etc. to prevent people or animals from getting in or out
noun - a run of a horse
noun - a kind of dark brown cake that has ginger in it; it is often associated with Christmas
verb - to stop doing something, usually a habit etc.
verb - to make an angry low sound (like that of a dog or a bear)
noun - an event in which people chase and kill an animal, usually for food or sport
verb - to run after something or somebody
noun, British English - a sweet covering of a cake etc.
verb - to bend your body forwards or backwards or sideways
verb - to succeed, to do something which is difficult
verb - to run faster than somebody else
verb - to do better than somebody else
noun - a kitchen appliance in which you can bake or roast etc.
verb - to go past a car that is going in the same direction but at a lower speed
noun - an animal's foot
noun - a large tool that can be used for digging holes, especially in hard ground
noun - a competition whose winner is the fastest one
verb - to turn over and over
verb - to cry out in terror or intense pain
noun - the form of something
verb - to take hold of something quickly and suddenly
verb - to make a low angry sound while showing your teeth
noun - a tool that looks like a shovel which you use to dig holes in the ground, it can be pushed into the ground with the foot
verb - to lie down in a relaxed way (esp. with your arms and legs spread out)
verb, formal - to take care of sth, to look after sth
verb - to move faster than walking but slower than running
noun - a very short time
verb - to keep an eye on something or somebody
noun - a deep hole in the ground from which water is taken
verb - to cry out suddenly (as if in pain)
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