Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně ‚Under the Bridge‘ skupiny Red Hot Chili Peppers
adverb - with nobody else, with nobody's help
noun - a messenger from God, who watches over people and helps them
adverb - if nothing else
conjunction - for the reason that
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
noun - a structure that leads over a river, valley etc., usually made of metal, stone or wood
noun - a person who keeps you company; a friend who spends time with you
verb - to weep, to make loud sounds showing your unhappiness and sadness, to produce tears
noun - an action, something that you do
noun - the city center
verb - to make blood come out of the body
determiner - as much as is needed or necessary
verb - to know through your senses, to be in a kind of physical or emotional state
verb - not to know something that you knew before
adjective - not easy
noun - a small and low mountain, a raised piece of ground
verb - not to tell the truth
adjective - unhappy because of being alone
adjective - sole, being the only one
noun - a person who shares in the same activity as somebody else
preposition - going in at one end and out at the other, e.g. tunnels, doors, passages etc.
adverb - with each other, with one another, side by side
adjective - full of wind
verb - to be anxious, to fear that something bad might happen
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