Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z ukolébavky zpěvačky Priscilly Ahn
adjective - living, not dead
pronoun - somebody, no matter who
adverb - no matter what happens or happened
noun, informal - a slang word for a policeman
verb - to weep, to make loud sounds showing your unhappiness and sadness, to produce tears
noun - a book that explains and/or translates words, shows how to use them etc.
verb - to stop living, to become dead
noun, informal - an illegal drug (or drugs)
verb - to see pictures in your head while you are sleeping
verb - to die by being underwater and unable to breathe, to let somebody die in this way
verb - to travel through the air
verb - to take place
noun, British English - the town where you live and where you feel at home
noun - a wish for something the feeling of expectation that it will happen
verb - to put your money in a business, real estate etc. in order to make profit in the future
verb - to allow, to give permission to somebody to do something
noun - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it
noun - a gentle, quiet song that is sung to make a child sleep
verb - to lean on something, to let something support you
verb - to fire a gun or an arrow etc.
verb - to let out deep breath with a sound which shows that you are tired, disappointed, sad
verb - to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive, usually at night in bed
verb - to remain in a place, not to leave
noun, informal - a person who lives in a town
adjective - empty; not in use
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