Vydáno dne 16.11.2019
Velmi příjemný song zpěváka, jehož hudba i zpěv připomíná
známého Jamese Blunta.
Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.
Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:
Tip: Po doplnění jedné mezery vždy stiskněte tabulátor k pohodlnému přesunutí na další mezeru. Nepoužívejte klávesu ENTER (ta by celé cvičení ukončila).
Do každé mezery doplňte jedno chybějící slovo. Na závěr počítač vaše odpovědi vyhodnotí a vy si budete moci přečíst český překlad této písně.
What if we were in the same boat
Rolling on a green
Listening to the
No ordered future,
no sorted old,
And what if
was not the issue
And we could just go on for days and days and days,
Never need for, never
Give you nothing more than a
on your face?
What if I had ten good
you and to
you, darlin'
Better than the you you were before?
What if we were in the same boat
Only to keep on moving on?
What if we had ten different
upon and
each other
Separate to head on for the shore?
What if we were in the same boat
Only to keep moving on?
Moving on…
Seems like I've been on this
so long,
little splashes all I
Ten more lovers to the wind
and once again I'm
with me.
Seems that as my time draws nearer,
I look into that
at a face that's had its fun
And kept moving on…
Always moving on…
With no one.
But what if we were in the same boat
Rolling to the same
Listening to each other
for another
No need to ever look away?
And what if we could
And simply move on day after day after day
Sun and stormy
You and I together
Moving on always?
Side by side together
You and I forever
Moving on always…
Written and performed by Ryan Montbleau. Used with
Visit his website at www.ryanmontbleau.com