"The Boat Song" by Ryan Montbleau

Vydáno dne 16.11.2019

Velmi příjemný song zpěváka, jehož hudba i zpěv připomíná známého Jamese Blunta.

The Boat Song

by Ryan Montbleau

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

Jak na to?

Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:

Tip: Po doplnění jedné mezery vždy stiskněte tabulátor k pohodlnému přesunutí na další mezeru. Nepoužívejte klávesu ENTER (ta by celé cvičení ukončila).

Do každé mezery doplňte jedno chybějící slovo. Na závěr počítač vaše odpovědi vyhodnotí a vy si budete moci přečíst český překlad této písně.

What if we were in the same boat
Rolling on a green ___________________________(1)
Listening to the ___________________________(2)
No ordered future,
no sorted old, ___________________________(3) memories?

And what if ___________________________(4) was not the issue
And we could just go on for days and days and days,
Never need for, never ___________________________(5) you,
Give you nothing more than a ___________________________(6) on your face?

What if I had ten good ___________________________(7)
To ___________________________(8) you and to ___________________________(9) you, darlin'
Better than the you you were before?
What if we were in the same boat
Only to keep on moving on?

What if we had ten different ___________________________(10)
To ___________________________(11) upon and ___________________________(12) each other
Separate to head on for the shore?

What if we were in the same boat
Only to keep moving on?
Moving on…

Seems like I've been on this ___________________________(13) so long,
little splashes all I ___________________________(14) .
Ten more lovers to the wind
and once again I'm ___________________________(15) with me.
Seems that as my time draws nearer,
I look into that ___________________________(16)
at a face that's had its fun
And kept moving on…

Always moving on…
With no one.

But what if we were in the same boat
Rolling to the same ___________________________(17)
Listening to each other
No ___________________________(18) for another
No need to ever look away?

And what if we could ___________________________(19) together
And simply move on day after day after day
Sun and stormy ___________________________(20)
You and I together
Moving on always?

Side by side together
You and I forever
Moving on always…

Written and performed by Ryan Montbleau. Used with permission.
Visit his website at www.ryanmontbleau.com

Správné odpovědi: 1) sea ; 2) water ; 3) wet ; 4) time ; 5) miss ; 6) smile ; 7) reasons ; 8) love ; 9) leave ; 10) reasons ; 11) love ; 12) leave ; 13) trip ; 14) see ; 15) left ; 16) mirror ; 17) beat ; 18) eyes ; 19) stay ; 20) weather
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Okruhy slovíček: Ryan Montbleau – The Boat Song
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