Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z poněkud netradiční vánoční koledy
noun - a very young child
adjective - better than everybody or everything else
verb - to come somewhere with something or with somebody, to take something or somebody with you
noun - a musical instrument which is used to keep the rhythm and beat in music, you hit it with wooden stick or sticks to make it play
adjective - nice, good, excellent
adjective - suitable, appropriate
noun - something that is given, a present
verb - to let somebody have something, to hand something over to somebody
verb - to show great respect (for somebody)
verb - to move to the rhythm of a song, to play a drum etc. to the rhythm of a song
noun - a ruler of a monarchy
noun - a young sheep
verb - to put down, to place something down carefully
adjective - born very recently
verb - to move your head forward and down to express agreement, acceptance etc.
noun - a male cow that has been castrated, it is used for heavy farm work
adjective - not having much money, not wealthy
verb - to show a happy expression on your face
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