Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z tradiční koledy ze skotského souostroví Hebridy.
adjective - without a limit
adjective - without end, everlasting
noun - a being that some people believe in, pray to etc. because they believe he has a supernatural power over the whole world
noun - God's kindness to people
adjective - unable to help himself/herself
adjective - belonging to or related to a god
noun - a gentle, quiet song that is sung to make a child sleep
noun - the human race, all the people in the world
adjective - gentle
verb - to announce something (esp. in an official way)
noun - a person, such as a king, who has the power over a country, people etc. and uses the power
adjective - kind, gentle, loving
adjective - very small
adjective - very valuable
adjective - not deserving to have something, not good enough to have something
adjective - deserving to have something, good enough to have something
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