Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z vánoční koledy ‚Away in a Manger‘
verb - to make holy, to ask God to favour something
adjective - of a very strong clear light or colour
noun - looking after somebody, interest in somebody or something
adverb - near, not far
noun, American English - a kind of bed for a baby which has high sides
verb - to make suitable, to prepare
adverb - always, for all the time
noun - dried up grass or the stems of other plants, it is usually used by farm animals to sleep on or to eat
noun - the place where a god lives or where he takes good people after they die
noun - (Christianity) the son of God, the Savior, the one who died on the cross but rose from dead on the third day, the one who saved people from sin
verb - to have your body in a flat position, like when you are resting or sleeping
noun - a master, a ruler
noun - a long narrow box that farm animals eat from
verb - to speak to a god
adjective - kind, gentle, loving
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