Vydáno dne 07.12.2006
Snad nejslavnější vánoční koleda, známá v mnoha zemích světa.
Silent night, Holy night *1
All is calm, all is bright *2
'Round yon virgin Mother and Child *3
Holy infant so tender and mild *4
Sleep in heavenly peace *5
Sleep in heavenly peace *6
Silent night, holy night *7
Shepherds quake at the sight *8
Glories stream from Heaven afar *9
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia *10
Christ the Savior is born *11
Christ the Savior is born *12
Silent night, holy night *13
Son of God, love's pure light *14
Radiant beams from Thy holy face *15
With the dawn of redeeming grace *16
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth *17
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth *18
Music by Franz X. Gruber (1818).
Performed by Land WayPher (Waylan Bram and
THOU, THY, THINE, THEE jsou archaická zájmena druhé osoby jednotného čísla:
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zásoby: Slovíčka z písní: Silent Night
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